So whenever im frustrated and mad I always listen to this song which is a really big song right now. The name is Xie Hua Piao Piao and a really like the remix version of this song. I think it is really good and  in my opinion you should subscribe and like this video.

Also if you can please check out my dad and sister's blog. Link at the end of this blog.
Also please subscribe to them!!!!

In my opinion the regular one is not as good as the remix one because it doesn't say the main lines that much but the rap one just seems much better to me. Check out the regular one right below this paragraph if you want to!!!

Also subscribe to these channels and like the videos if you like the videos!!!!!

The reason why this song is so big right now is because a bald asian sang it and it went viral. There is a lot of remixes of this guy singing. Unfortunately there is too many for me to put all of them in this blog. The good thing is that I can show you one remix for each blog at the end!!!

Also please subscribe to my dad and sister's blog if you haven't!!!
Please comment so I know people actually read my blog!!!!

Here are my dad and sister's blog links so please subscribe to them!!!!
Also Like and Subscribe to these videos if you liked them!!!!


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