The Criticizing of the "The Fox and The Crow" #2

The Fox and the crow were both really weird. This video is so weird. This is just stupid. How can the fox talk and have the bird understand when the bird can't even talk? And where did that crow even get the cheese from? From the one I read it at least told me how the crow got the cheese. Is that crow constipated? Because it looks like a boy to me. That crow should be demonetized. That crow also sounds like a boy too, but don't call me a sexist. Also how did that fox know that the crow was a girl? This is just a really weird video and fable. Well, see you next time on NBC news. Jk, please don't demonetize me for that. Goodbye and have a good night. P.S. subscribe to me if you haven't.


  1. Please fix your syntax mistakes and make the video bigger!


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