The Criticizing of "The Wind and The Sun" #1

The real story behind this is actually a natural cause of the wind ending and the sun getting hotter. So the creator of the story made it into a stupid story. The moral does not make any sense at all because the moral was to be gentle and warm and you can get what you want. That doesn't make any sense at all to me, because in the story, they didn't do anything nice or mean; the wind just kept blowing cold wind and the sun just shined it's brightness. That story does not show any sign of that. It also doesn't make any sense that if the wind blew its hardest why wouldn't that send the man flying? Also, if the sun used its warmest winds, wouldn't that burn him to death? And how can a cloud and a sun talk to each other when they are so far from each other. So ya, it is really weird.


  1. You can add some videos or images so people have context on what the original story was about.


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