
Showing posts from May, 2020

My dad is forcing me to do this #4 :c


My dad is forcing me to do this #3 :c

Have you ever wondered why i name most of my blogs my dads forcing me to do this? I bet not because i've been freaking typing because mydad forced me too. But nooooooooo you might think ny dad is responsible he's not and he is FRRREEEEAAAAAKKKKIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG EVIL. U might think how did you end up with him lemme think BECAUSE I WAS BORNN DUHHHHH. Anyway's im bored i freaking typed everything that he said i could type about his bad stuff well onto the memes c: here da daily meme c:

My dad is forcing me to do this #2 :c

So there's this book called alice in wonderland AND IT IS WORSE THAN BLACK BEAUTY (dad dont calll me a racist for that) THERE'S JUST THIS GIRL WHO IS JUST WALKING PLACES AND IS STUPID AS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND GUESS WHO FORCED ME TO READ IT WHEN HE EVEN READ IT AND HATED IT WAS MY DAD AND SHE IS LITERALLY JUST WALKING AND WASTING PEOPLES LIFE. ISN'T THAT JUST CRUEL. okay so this is the worst book in the every stupid freaking galixies Amen.

My dads forcing me to do this :c

Okay so i don't really like this book called Black Beauty and my dad calls me racist because i sometimes say  I HATE BLACK BEAUTY!!!!!!!!!!! and my dad calls me racist because of the title. And i think that u think that i think that im lying but its about animals being abused and find a new farm. Now u might think that i should like a book like that BUT I HATE THE CRAP OUT OF THAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!! it's a stupid book and it will always be stupid Amen. (P.s dad i know you're gonna read this so there you know it)